DIY Fabric Buttons

For my Birthday, my beautiful friend Claudia gifted me Cath Kidson’s Button Factory – a kit for making ab-fab fabric buttons. Before I even got the chance to sit down at have a bash, I came across a similar system for covering buttons with fabric at Daiso, for, you guessed it, $2.80. I grabbed them in the hopes that once my Button Factory is out of business, I can continue on. I decided to test both out at the same time and this is how it went!

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The Daiso “Cover Button Kit”s in 27 and 18mm, and Cath Kidson’s Button Factory.


First up; I could not wait to try this beauty out!

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What you get in your kit; some beautiful Cath Kidson fabric in 7 different designs, a instruction and ideas book, the backs (the silver guys with the loops) and the fronts (the plain silver guys) for 25 buttons, and a rubber mould (blue) and plastic plug (red) to help create your buttons!IMG_8292

As per the instructions, I cut off my first square of fabric. The last page of the book provided gives a template so you know how big to cut your circle.

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The fabric then sits in the blue mould, before placing in the silver front. Then, after tucking the edges under, the red plug assists you in pressing the back into place. It’s pretty self explanatory. and the instructions given in both kits are clear.
You’ll end up with something looking like this;


As you may be able to guess, I had some difficulty with a little tuck on the final product, so make sure to go around each gather before you press in the back to ensure that the fabric on the front will be flat.

So how does my Daiso buy compare?


I decided to have a bash with these 18mm buttons as the 22mm were a similar size to my Cath Kidson Factory.

The kit comes with a similar number of button backs and fronts, a mould and plug, as well as a template.

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The process is just the same, although the mould is a little stiffer so pushing the button-front in can take some time….


…however because the mould is clear, it’s easy to see if there are any problem-tucks in the fabric.

Fast forward half an hour and I have a jar of beautiful buttons at my disposal!

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The verdict: completely obsessed with Cath Kidson’s Button Factory, and completely delighted that I can continue my button making days thanks to Daiso.

Stay tuned for some buttony-crafts 🙂

DIY Flower Crowns

Let’s make flower crowns!!!

You’ll need some fake flowers, some wire (this is florist’s wire, but you can use anything), ribbon and perhaps a glue gun


grab a piece of wire and make a general rounded shape (you can use the shape of your head as a guide)

with your fingers (or some pliers if you have a thicker wire) bend back the wire into a loop, and twist the wire around itself


so now your crown should look something like this

the flowers I’ve bought are attached to two wires. most fake flowers won’t be, so you may need to pop off the flower from the stem and hot glue some of your wire into the flower (there’ll often be a little hole from the original stem as shown below)


line up your flowers on your wire to give a bit of an indication of how it might all fit together.


if you have a focus flower, like I do, wire it on first

so that it looks something like this ^^^

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after you’ve put all your flowers on, grab two lengths of ribbon (I’ve chosen cream).

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and tie them on to your pre-made loops.

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 The final product!!!

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Let me know if you have a bash – I’d love to see!